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All you need to built your website in one program
Free and open source
The Team work

PhpTransformer start as individual project to provide the need of largest segment of users, but since its inception obtain the support of many experts in all aspects of development, whether from people or institutions ...
Therefore it is necessary to thank all of the support, especially phpTransformer:
Professional programmer Mustafa Alqaudhry from Algeria, which has long beloved solve intractable problems, especially in language php.
Designed actress Sabrine Dimashk from Lebanon, which contributed to create a logo for phpTransformer, Thank you for wonderful ideas.
The translator Zeinab Ayoub for its contribution to translate the site into English.
The translator Hamda Moussawi for its contribution to translate the site into English.
The translator Zainab El Masri for its contribution to translate the site into French.
The translator Soumaya Abbas for its contribution to translate the site into French.
Forums Arab that provide informations when needs and in fact it 's large, particularly from Swalef net, and the Arab Group for programming.
Phpclasses.org site that provided some of the important classes of development.
Sourceforge.net site which provide host of collective action of the project.
Mayor of Nabi shit that used the program for the first time.
Company Fomaco that adopted it as a formal program.
Dozens of experimenters who download the software every day ...

You, dear reader, which is concerned the project!
This was the start, but now ...

JoinUs The project is developed by the project owner Mohsen Al-Mousawi, as well as team work is nowbeing organized to work as well and officially distributed tasks among team members, so the project need all the support from you in all aspects of administrative, development and marketing ... Do not skimp to contact us, it will success you in the field of free software open source.

Join us and success with us
phpTransformer more than one company We are a team work, we gather our energies and work freely and coordinate with each other and in the end we win! We are a society share its energies in love, and we support each other.


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0% Speed and performance
0% Multi languages and thems
0% Free Open source
0% Proliferation and the large number of users
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